Friday, March 28, 2014

4 Weeks from Today

This is a story I have told before - 2008 I was filling a great emptiness in my life, playing on line. I was meeting lots of people. The kind of people that I fitted in with. It was revolutionary and I learned to like myself for the first time in a very, very long time. 

And then I met Tzaizqain. Mark. If I had known what was going to happen maybe I would have hidden my heart and resisted because my firm opinion at the time was that I would never - ever - get married again. No way was I going to trust my happiness and self esteem with another person.

Audrey and Tzaizqain
Me and Mark

But I didn't know what was going to happen and I accidentally fell in love with the cat. Man. Pom.

So here we are nearly five and a half years later and Mark has finally had his visa granted to come and spend the rest of his days, learning to be an Ozzie.

There are some things he has still to learn:
  • living with teenagers
  • living with me
  • being the tong master at a BBQ
But I am so optimistic. I have been very challenging over these 5 or so years as I come complete with baggage to this new relationship. Yet he has met every challenge with love and determination. He's convinced me!

So in 4 weeks I meet him in Melbourne and we work on living happily ever after!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dear Mark

Dear Mark

You are the blog's number one fan and you check all the time to see if I have added anything new.

You know that for quite a while now I haven't added a thing and you know why - don't you?

Because for Christmas, you bought me pottery lessons - didn't you?

My first lesson - white raku clay, pinch pots
And I love my Christmas present. You have bought me all the best presents I have ever had, but this is the best of the best.

Lesson 2: coil pots aka mad-eyed cat
The idea in pottery may be to make pots but I don''t actually want pots. I want creatures!
I have just finished lesson number six and I only have one to go and I don't want the lessons to end!

The stress of making a whole thing in class was leaving me with heart palpitations - I wanted time to work on something without pressure. So I bought clay and started playing at home
There is so much to learn.
There are different clays and different construction techniques. There are thousands of ways to embellish the surface and lots to learn about temperature and kilns and so much to absorb.

From one home-made cat to another
I know my obsessive feeling. The one where suddenly my head is full of creations and I am prolific and I can't read, think, talk, do or show enough to get it out of my system. And don't want to either!
Cats to pigs
Pigs to dragons
I had thought to sprinkle pictures through the story but the number of creatures and doings are outstripping my dedication to typing!

Working on this little creature made me smile

Adding his woolly coat made my smile look awfully like an enormous case of self-satisfaction!

Feeling as happy as I look!

My turning efforts are not meeting my standards yet 
 I spoke with the chap at Fyshwick about my lack of prowess when it comes to throwing. He told me I would never get good at it until I owned a wheel. I had thought I would drop in at Watson and learn there but he assured me that it wouldn't be enough - I must own a wheel.

My lesson at the wheel with the Saturday afternoon class
 So while obsessing with the building, I also obsessed with online sites looking for a second hand wheel. I found one in Wollongong and after speaking with the chap about getting it picked up - he sold it to someone else while I was making the arrangements. How rude!
Anyway, good things come to those who obsess and I found an advertisement for a wheel in Braidwood. Much more convenient! Today John and I drove out and picked up my new wheel.

 Darling, all this is because of you. And I have to give you a big hug in 4 weeks and 4 days time to thank you!
Love Cathy