Saturday, June 9, 2012

Long Weekend Plans

Well the plan was to go straight out into the garden this morning and get lots of work done. The reality though was that I woke in the early hours with a sick tummy, blogged, found my Mark on line and then fell asleep on him- not once, but twice! In the end I slept 'til mid morning.
Then I kept him company while he slept 'til late morning.
By the time I finally got myself organised, half the day was gone.

The routine is then that Saturday will absorb itself. Clean the kitchen, feed the birds deal with laundry, empty bins, sweep the veranda... blah blah blah..
Anyway, I got out and finally played with the pavers.

Here is where I am heading-ish. A quick scribble showing large pavers through the centre, small pavers and eventually some pebbles in the gaps.
The fish have been installed in the large black pot and I must remember to put the solar powered pump in it tomorrow!

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