Here are a few photos of the progress so far. Pretty much as I reported in the last post
Looking from the North West. It looks bigger than it will be. Note the mess on the next door neighbors block. Hope my folk didn't do that!
The bricks are sitting on the mound that eventually will be the patio. There will be a pergola over the top of it. I am not really sure what is going to retain the dirt. The builder said he would put in footings. I hope that means bricks and not just the cement outline that is currently there.
These are bricks. That much is obvious! The colour is called Urban Mist. The pink is the part that is not so much seen and the white is the outside part.
And from the front. Now sign of the garage which will be all brick and no timber framework. The Zafira and Erin pose for photos
Is that a rogue daughter I see??