Today I did my usual drive by- It is still so hard to get photos as it
is nearly always dusk and holding the camera still is something of a
trick. However it was worth trying to steady my hand and take photos in the gloom under headlights.
The promised rain did not arrive so today there are developments!
So what can we see? Gutters and fascias! With a bit of luck maybe tomorrow tiling will commence on the roof.
This photo shows the newly built wall for the veranda area. It is a nice large area and I am surprised to discover that there is not nearly enough dirt pushed there to fill the space. My brain is now trying to solve the 'what will I fill it with?' question.
In the meantime I have a minor annoyance. The next door neighbours have lodged their plans and like me, they have a long wall sitting on their southern boundary. That's my northern side. The side that all my windows look out onto. the side that I would most like to have curtains open on to let in winter sun.
Well in some kind of freakish notion, they have included a window in that boundary wall. I don't even know how that is legal. So effectively they are building a porthole in my fence and will be able to look into my yard and living areas whenever they want. I would guess that they mostly won't want to, but it's the principle.
I have asked Dad to have a look at the development application and I will see what to do next. I have already established contact with ACTPLA and asked casually if this window was really allowable and do I need to formally complain to have it removed. I hope I don't have to formally complain because that is not a nice way to begin life with your new neighbours.
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