Monday, November 7, 2011

Mounting Excitement

I can smell finishing in the air
(Though I am trying to breath through my mouth as the pollen count at the moment is dreadful!)

I sent Mark P a txt message today:
"The insulation guy has left a number of tiles dislodged or chipped. A heads up so everything will be good on Wednesday"

You know I worry so much about being one of those annoying fussing people that I thought long and hard about how to word it. I didn't want to sound like he doesn't know how to do his job- but I didn't want to miss out on settlement just because Mark doesn't visit my house every time his car point north. (As I do)

Anyhow he replied promptly with a "who are you".

Important tip: sign your txt messages :P

We had a quick flurry of exchanged txts and all is well with the world.

I dropped by on the house on my way home.
I don't really need to say that, do I?

These are the taps that I could see from the window!

yes! Good Taps. Nice and shiny. I am very happy with Solid Constructions
The tiles looked like someone had straightened them all out again and the very broken one was replaced.
It looks tantalisingly close to finished now.

On Sunday i bit the bullet and ordered my letter box on ebay. I have just received an email to say it was posted today. Huzzah!

One new Shiny letter box- due to arrive just on time
At work I have been given some work today so I am altogether a much happier chickie babe today.
My check list:
Gas- booked
Electricity- booked
water- I think so
Communications- waiting on a power point in the transact box. Mark p says that is under control
Van- booked
Menus for takeaway over moving weekend- tick
Insurance on house- waiting on certificates of occupancy.
Curtains that have remained unhemmed here for 10 years - done
Packing- packing? What do you mean?
Oh- look over there- Rusty-.........................

1 comment:

  1. It's been very exciting watching the progress as a reader. Your writing makes me feel I am watching from somewhere nearby.
