Sunday, October 16, 2011

The first Visitors!

Mum and Dad came today to have a look at the house. I think they are favourably impressed with it so far.
It was lovely to show them through. As they are helping me with the purchase, it is very important to me that they are happy with it.
It was good time to have them come as there are things I would like to have them think over. Especially the garden. I need a bit of help thinking that one through. 
The kitchen-almost done now!
here is the kitchen as it appeared today. Almost done except for those tiles I have to have cut and the appliances I have stored. Mark P says he will install them once I am ready to move in as it is too common to have them stolen otherwise.

Mum pointed out that with this lovely long bench, there is room for 6 bar stools. I have been trying to budget for 4 and have put the purchase off over and over.
But just having her mention it had me googling...
I have found two very similar ones
It has 4 legs and potentially a bit more comfortable to sit on.
5 legs, clear seat and looks a tiny bit sturdier.

Anyway, back at the house we wandered out into the sunshine on a gloriously sunny day and the wind was howling. (My hair is full of grit now.) We wandered around talking about garden ideas, how to finish the veranda- the floor and a rail, whether water will pool below the veranda and other things. It was very nice to have a chance to talk to some grown ups about it. Normally it is just Kate and I.

After that we locked up the house and went to the Waterfront restaurant. It was totally deserted. Dad was quite convinced that to be open  at 12 on a Sunday and have no customers is a bad sign. Well I guess it might be too but the food was fine and the view over the lake was lovely.

After enjoying our lunch we returned home to have a coffee then I sent them off in opposite directions. Mum to Junee and Dad back to Narooma.
I wish I had thought to take their photos at the house. next time I see them will be moving in time!

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