Today it was raining and Kate was sick. I got a message to work to tell the boss that I was going to be home with Kate as I needed to get her to the doctors.
We both ended up with appointments. Kate has an infection and needs to take antibiotics, and my BP is best it has been in 12 months. I am very pleased!
Then we headed to the discount pharmacy in Mitchel via Solid Construction's office to drop off my light fittings. I poked me head in the door and said to Cheryl that I really thought they didn't have room for them. She joined me in the light drizzle and looked at my boot full and agreed.
I asked her about the outdoor light fittings that Mark had recommended and she gave me an address in Mitchel. This happy coincidence meant once we had got Kate's medicine, we could drop in and buy spotlights for the clothes line and the pergola.
The clothes line is on a detector because it might deter a burglar who might audaciously think to come in the dark - and also because I often dash to rescue things from the line.
I did not want a motion detector on the veranda as I find it quite annoying how they will plunge you into darkness without warning if you happen to sit still. I know there is some switch sequence to stop it doing that but I can't be bothered!
I then took Kate home and while she set off to bed, I rang ACTEW and arranged to have the gas put on for the 18th of November.
And I have booked Erin and John into the orthodontist.
And I rang the Serafin Glass and found out that my tiles were ready.
I was already committed to collect Erin and John from school, so I made it a long sweeping circuit from Gungahlin to Queanbeyan to Fyshwick to Dickson and back to Gungahlin.
I have got a fresh set of linen for my bed and some groceries for dinner and all up it was a very productive day for a sick day!
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