Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Morning

 I dropped Kate off for her flute lesson this morning and with 30 minutes to fill before we got on with the rest of the day's chores, there was only the obvious to do. Go see the house!

And woohoo.. it was open because the electricians were in for their first day. And there was a whole troop of them.
The kids bathroom- with newly installed towel rail
I started up a conversation with the first one I found in the family room and more kept appearing.
It was a good thing I happened by, because he was unaware that a hole had already been cut in the side of the kitchen bench for a power point and they had been planning to cut another one in the front of it. I lifted the protective bubble wrap and showed him were the original one had already been cut by the cabinet makers.

I also talked to him about what light fittings I was bring on Wednesday. By now I was quite lost about what was included and what wasn't so I hadn't made any plans for the front porch. A few words with him, and I had added a trip to the store to buy a front light.

Originally there was to be a switch for the hot water so that I could have it set at shower temperature or washing up temperature. The switch was to go above the kitchen bench on the splashback. The nice young sparky asked me if it would be OK to instead put it at the top of the stairs. I actually think that is an even better place then bathing people do not need to come meddling in the kitchen while I am cooking.

I asked him if it would be possible to have the kitchen power points finished with the satin look covers - it is - and he is going to organise it for me :)

It was lovely wandering around the house bathed in the new light of the Wattyl Tibetan Snow. It looks white until you see it against actual white. Like the tiles in my bathroom. Then you can see the warmth in it.
My bathroom- now with towel rail, Tastic bathroom heater and as predicted, toilet roll holder!
The kitchen's ivory coloured cupboards have taken on a peculiar hue. More green than I would have thought. I suspect it will change again once the room has furniture and curtains. The large tiles look good and match perfectly, though no one n the world is going to look at them and see three weeks of worry.
The reflection of light on the gloss gives the doors a subtle contrast
The gloss paint on doors and architraves gives just enough difference. And the door handles I bought look very sexy. Go Ebay!

By the time I fetched Kate, did my missions, and returned with the front light, the fellows had packed up for the day and gone.

Kate and I rattled the garage door: Locked
Front door: also locked
Side door: drats

 This fully lit shot of the laundry a pretty good guide to the colours as they now are.
The rain from the last 24 hours has left the yard a bog so I wasn't interested enough to head around to the laundry door but Kate was intrepid. Next, I hear a gurgle of delight and Kate's face appears in the family room!

So we had a lovely wander and prattle. I have loved how Kate has shared this all with me. 

All the power points are done. The TV points, and data points. A flouro in the garage. A power point for the door lift in the garage. Lots of 2-way light switches which I had wondered about but wasn't going to ask for if it would mean more money.

The switch at the top of the stairs has *5* switches!

Gosh I am happy with how things are coming!

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